
Comprehensive Services for Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans


Comprehensive Services for Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans

The sponsor of a retirement plan needs to consider the significant degree of fiduciary responsibility that comes with offering a retirement benefit to employees.   With a comprehensive array of services, Retirement Consulting Group can help plan sponsors understand the scope of their responsibilities, maintain compliance with applicable rules and regulations, and offer a dynamic retirement benefit, all while allowing you to concentrate on what is most important – successfully running your business.

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Fiduciary Support

Fiduciary Support

Our detailed due diligence process is designed to help manage your fiduciary risk.  From assistance in establishing and abiding by an investment policy statement, to documenting analysis and decisions, to identifying areas for improvement, our process is designed to assist Trustees, plan committees, and other plan fiduciaries to take actions that are prudent and in the best interests of plan participants.

Investment Management

Investment Management

We optimize your investments with our advice and guidance.  Serving as your plan’s investment consultant, we assist in selection, monitoring, and recommending plan investments that are appropriate for your employee demographics while remaining compliant with your Investment Policy Statement.

Benchmarking & Request For Proposal Services

Benchmarking & Request For Proposal Services

We can evaluate current fees and services based on our extensive experience, industry benchmarks and resources of LPL Financial.

Vendor Liason

Vendor Liason

We serve as the intermediary between the plan sponsor and all service providers for administrative tasks that arise.  We also help ensure a successful transition when replacement of service providers is warranted.

Plan Design Assistance

Plan Design Assistance

Your retirement benefit should be in line with your organization’s goals. Our thorough review process will address compliance requirements and help ensure it is administered in accordance with all plan documents

For Plan Sponsor Use Only - Not for Use with Participants or the General Public